Fragility |
樂團: FIL DE BLUES Fil de Blues於2014年底成立於地中海神奇之地馬略卡島。自成立以來,該樂隊就非常明確地希望成為布魯斯、搖滾、節奏布魯斯等音樂大師的集合體。 時間: 9/10 (週日) 15:00-16:00 |
Miquel Segura(吉他)和Marta Murgades (主唱)是這部音樂作品的支柱,這裡一直為各種類型的客人提供空間,包括和聲、薩克斯管、小提琴、鍵盤、打擊樂器,當然還有更多的吉他。 這是一個享受所做的事情並從中獲得樂趣的團體,在每次表演中,他們都用自己的演奏和演唱方式以及歌曲的選擇來脫去自己靈魂的一部分。 |

Name Action: Fragility Group Name: FIL DE BLUES Introduction: Fil de Blues was formed at the end of 2014 on the island of Mallorca, a magical place in the Mediterranean. Since its inception, the group was very clear that it wanted to be a group of versions of the greats of Blues, Rock and Rhythm and Blues, among others. Miquel Segura (guitar) and Marta Murgades (voice), are the pillar of this musical composition, where there has always been room for guests of all types, harmonics, saxophones, violins, keyboards, percussion and of course more guitars. |